How can I maintain my hairstyle while working out?

Whether its cardio or strength training, a good workout should make you sweat!

Its an excellent indicator that we have burnt some calories and an even more excellent indicator that we may have lost our hairstyle.

Darn frustrating, right?

So, how can one beat this frustration? Easy!!

  1. If you are wearing a weave or braids, then blow-dry your roots right after your workout.
  2. If you wear  natural or relaxed hair, then put your hair in a high or  low bun and let it loose to air dry after your workout.

However,  you must note that in any above cases frequent washing and conditioning are necessary to prevent breakage. You can opt to wear your hair out during a work out then wash, dry and wear a wig to get an instant glam after your workout. To freshen up your hair without washing get a spray bottle, add some drops of essential oil to water or aloe vera juice, spritz your hair and go!

We cannot boast of being an authority on hair and hair products but our friends at have an amazing blog that offers free hair advice  and website with a collection of natural & relaxed hair products, weaves and extensions to keep you going on your hair journey. So, visit their blog for hair advice and let them know we sent you over.

Ladies, your hair goals should never be a hinderance to your weight-loss journey. Now, dress sporty, run off and go sweat it out!

Be inspired…Go!


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