Will I get muscular or bulky if I lift weight?

We all have an idea what our ideal body should look like. Some like to look sporty, others like to look curvy, there are those who like to look like models and may prefer either the catwalk slender look or fitness model look. Some just want a body that fits into a certain size of clothes or simply want to look and feel better. Although our specific goals may be different from those of others, almost everyone wants to look and feel toned and fit. However, in order to achieve this most of us will need to do some toning exercising which, will require bodyweight, free weights, some gym equipment or a combination of these.


So what is toning? In the fitness circles, there is no formal definition for toning that is generally used. Rather, toning is a term used to describe the end goal, which usually results from a combination of weightlifting and fat burning. Many females shy away from weightlifting for fear of looking too muscular or bulky but this is unlikely if you are not intentionally body building and taking supplements to assist muscle expansion and definition. Therefore to answer the question, basic weight lifting oughtn’t bulk up the female body unless she is lifting like a bodybuilder and supporting her muscles to build-up through a bodybuilding diet or through supplementation.


Having said that, it is important to note that a wide variety of movements and exercises can help you strengthen your muscles without necessarily making them bigger. In fact, you can develop a lot of muscular strength without your muscles ever increasing in size (girth). Exercises such as yoga, Pilates, dance and barre classes can help to increase your flexibility (improving your range of motion at certain joints) and your posture, which can give an illusion of longer looking limbs and great posture.


If you’re ready to look toned and feel stronger, be sure to engage in movements that challenge your body by utilise the power of Gravity to your advantage through plyometric HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training) exercises, resistance bands exercises, isometric stretches and so much more. The muscles required in executing such exercises work with Gravity to challenge your body effectively.


Challenge means change…be inspired …go!




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3 thoughts on “Will I get muscular or bulky if I lift weight?”

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