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Lose Those Flabs To Get These Abs!

Having great looking abs takes time, training hard, lots of cardio and a clean diet. To get great abs we have to start in the

The Secret Route To Fat Loss

If you are trying to lose weight you must first of all know that decreasing your calorie input and increasing your calorie output is the only

Melt Off Fat Fast With Cardio!

Cardio is an essential aspect of any lasting fat loss regimen. It is possible to lose fat by dieting alone but cardio will definitely be

FIBRE- The weight loss booster

Did you know that fibre is a weight loss booster? It acts as an appetite suppressant, which  can make us take in fewer calories.  It makes us feel more

The Power of Protein for Rapid Fat Loss

High-protein foods are amazing for fat loss! They take more work to digest, metabolise, and use, which means you burn more calories processing them. They

How to get ABSolutely Amazing Abs!

We all want a flat tummy, right? Luckily, we have found some easy steps you can take to get there…here they are! The GRAVITY 10 commandments

A NEAT Lifestyle for Fat loss

Have you ever wondered why some people remain slimmer than others or are” naturally” thin? The answer may be in the amount of time these individuals

Jumping Jacks for Weight Loss

Although jumping jacks are generally thought of more as a fun game rather than an actual exercise, this childhood activity has received renewed attention in

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