Be Inspired!

How To Deal With Emotional Eating

Too often we try to bury our challenges or stress with food. In reality, this is just self sabotage which does nothing to better the circumstances.

Why Am I Stuck At This Weight?

So you’ve been eating less, exercising, doing all the right things and you’ve  even lost some weight but now you’ve been stuck at the same weight for

Customer Feedback

Ugochi Amah  Gravity lifestyle: lifestyle pro: Gravity has empowered me to be in charge of my body and not the other way around. With the help

Gravity’s Primal Protocol

We are taking you back to the basics with our Primal Protocol Challenge. Here’s why… The information overload on healthy lifestyle, fitness and fatloss  is

Be Persistent, Consistent & Determined

There’s so much information today on how to get in shape and it can get overwhelming. You may find yourself jumping from one diet to

Self Sabotage – The Fat Loss Foe

The concept of self-sabotage in weight loss is a very real issue. The best of us wonder why we try so hard to lose weight and

Green Tea for a Healthy & Gorgeous YOU!

Green tea is the healthiest beverage ever! It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes improved brain function, fat

The Secret Route To Fat Loss

If you are trying to lose weight you must first of all know that decreasing your calorie input and increasing your calorie output is the only

Melt Off Fat Fast With Cardio!

Cardio is an essential aspect of any lasting fat loss regimen. It is possible to lose fat by dieting alone but cardio will definitely be

FIBRE- The weight loss booster

Did you know that fibre is a weight loss booster? It acts as an appetite suppressant, which  can make us take in fewer calories.  It makes us feel more

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take the first step. we will do the rest.