Be Inspired!

TIP OF THE WEEK – Eat Responsibly!

When we  are on a healthy living regimen, we often cut back on certain foods or eliminate them completely in order to reach our goals.

A Little Known Trick For Rapid Fat Loss

Here’s an awesome trick to help us on our weigh loss journey…its almost magical! Supposing you are given one thing that could help you lose

TIP OF THE WEEK – Create Time For You!

The time you need to workout and eat healthy isn’t going to miraculously appear. You have to deliberately create time and incorporate your  new lifestyle practices into your

The Easiest Exercise Ever!

Walking  is an easy way to get rid of a few pounds. It is a beneficial and fundamental movement of humans. Research indicates that in

Your Core & You

Strengthening  your core is more than just for achieving six-pack abs. By developing stronger core muscles, you’ll be less likely to injure or strain your

Smile and Lose Weight

Did you know that up to 95 percent of the hormone called serotonin, which regulates happiness,  is found in your gut? Some studies have shown

5 Moves To The Best Butt Ever!

It is a fact that you cannot spot reduce any body part. However, you can make most body parts like your butt look firmer and

Self Sabotage – The Fat Loss Foe

The concept of self-sabotage in weight loss is a very real issue. The best of us wonder why we try so hard to lose weight and

The Link Between Sleep and Fat

Sleep plays a powerful role on our overall health as well as our tendency to gain excess weight. Sleep duration is linked to gains in abdominal fat even

Green Tea for a Healthy & Gorgeous YOU!

Green tea is the healthiest beverage ever! It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes improved brain function, fat

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take the first step. we will do the rest.